Archive for the ‘svLinux’ Tag

Linux Help

Choosing a Boot Loader

Choosing a Boot Loader

Every operating system provides a tiny program called a boot loader whose job is to load the rest of the operating system into your computer’s memory at boot time. It is typical of the Linux personality that it gives you a choice of boot loaders.

If you will be running Linux on a computer by itself, there is no need to read any further, you want to use LILO as your boot loader. You can skip ahead to the section about LILO. If you are planning for Linux to share your computer with Windows, DOS, or another operating system, your choice will involve a little more discrimination.

When setting up a multiple boot PC with Linux, you have three choices about how to get it loaded: LILO, Loadlin, or floppy. Let’s examine each separately.

Remote Desktop to a Windows Machine in Xubuntu « customising life

Remote Desktop to a Windows Machine in Xubuntu « customising life

Remote Desktop to a Windows Machine in Xubuntu
Published Monday October 23, 2006 Dapper , Windows , Work , Xubuntu

To my great surprise, delight and somewhat shame, it was very easy to set up a PPTP connection to my work VPN, should I ever feel the strange need to do some work of a weekend.

Now to setting up a remote desktop connection so I can actually use my work PC.

I’m gonna need two packages to do this; rdesktop (the client application) and grdesktop (a GUI frontend for rdesktop)

create mysql user with privileges

mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host, User, Password, Select_priv) VALUES (”, ‘db_user’, password(‘db_pass’), ‘Y’);
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db_.* TO db_user;
mysql> quit

Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for *NIX systems

“Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for various *NIX
systems. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications
fast, while conserving system resources.”

sudo apt-get install xfce4


sudo apt-get install fluxbox

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop

How to Install FFmpeg in Linux ~The Easy Way~

How to Install FFmpeg on Linux ~The Easy Way~

How to Install FFmpeg in Linux ~The Easy Way~

FFmpeg is so important if you are planning to run a video website with streaming with conversion of video files to different video formats. This tutorial is intended for Centos/Redhat versions of Linux where any novice user can install ffmpeg without compiling the source which is a more traditional way of installing the FFmpeg software on linux servers. In this tutorial i will show you the easy way to install ffmpeg and ffmpeg-php
(php extension) with just yum rather than compiling ffmpeg from source files.

FFmpeg (

Mplayer + Mencoder (

Flv2tool (

Libogg + Libvorbis (

LAME MP3 Encoder (

FlowPlayer – A Free Flash Video Player –

Linux useful links  (video)  (safe mode)

Linux Lookup

>> Debian
>> Fedora
>> Gentoo
>> Knoppix
>> Mandriva
>> RedHat
>> Slackware
>> Ubuntu

Install unrar command

Open rar file or Extract rar files under Linux or UNIX

Install unrar command

Under Debian Linux, you need to type apt-get as follows to install unrar program:
# apt-get install unrar

If you are using Fedora core Linux then use yum command as follows (see discussion below):
# yum install unrar

mysql installation

MySQL database on Linux Tutorial

MySQL on Linux Tutorial
This tutorial covers the MySQL database running on a Linux server. This tutorial will also cover the generation and use a simple database. The interface language of the MySQL database is the standard SQL (Standard Query Language) which allows for inserts, updates and queries of data stored in relational tables. The SQL language is also used for the administration of the database for the creation and modification of tables, users and access privileges. Tables are identified by unique names and hold data in a row and column (record) structure. A fixed number of named columns are defined for a table with a variable number of rows.

Ubuntu / Debian package installation:

  • apt-get install mysql-client
  • apt-get install mysql-server